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Show Commander

Poultry Show Software for the 21st Century

Battle tested over eleven years, Show Commander was designed and developed by the show secretary of a major Midwest poultry show. Its mission: to make the Show Secretary’s complex job as easy as possible. Its powerful features and performance significantly reduces the time spent in preparing for a show and reducing, or eliminating, showroom errors.



“With Show Commander, we were able to shorten our entry processing time by over a week.”

Copy last year's exhibitor contact info, or enter it from scratch. Either way is so efficient that you can go from deadline to show in no time, working just a few evening hours.

Spread the work around and make it even faster. Anyone with an Internet connection can help with your approval, even if they're a state away.

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“After years of use we gladly ditched our old single-user ‘type and merge’ system and never looked back.”

No software to install, and no lengthy upgrade cycles. Anyone that can use an Internet browser can use Show Commander. Errors are flagged immediately.

Coop Labels, Inventory Reports, Judging Sheets, Exhibitors Lists, Check-in Sheets, Display Scoring Worksheets, Payment Reconciliation Reports, and more are created with the click of a mouse.

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“Last year, using Show Commander, we had zero showroom errors for the first time.”

No need to memorize recognized breeds, varieties or classes, Show Commander knows what you mean. All data is validated as it's entered.

Built-in checks specific to your particular show prevent entering options that are not available. No Trios? No problem!

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Fast. Make your volunteers smile.

When setup day comes, bring an Inventory Report that you printed in seconds. Spend minutes, not hours, printing out your coop tag labels, ready to affix to the cards. Send your PDF file to your local print shop and get Exhibitors Lists fast. Make your volunteers smile.

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Easy. So easy to use, anyone can help.

Volunteers are hard enough to find. If they are bored or frustrated, it becomes nearly impossible. Show Commander is easy enough for even your most inexperienced members to help out. No need to memorize classes or varieties! It makes suggestions as you type, and will not let you add a misspelled or improperly classified breed.

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Accurate. Farewell “showroom shuffles.”

The Inventory Report helps you setup the showroom quickly and accurately. Coop labels and cards are printed in showroom order, grouped by division and class. Have an entry with special cooping instructions? It's printed right on the label.

Pamper your clerks with easy-to-use placing sheets. Automatically identify Displays and print their scoring worksheets. Sweet!

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